Full List of 91 Registered Political Parties in Nigeria in 2019.

Full List of 91 Registered Political Parties in Nigeria in 2019.

There are 91 Registered Political Parties in Nigeria in 2019 according to the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC).

Full List of 91 Registered Political Parties in Nigeria in 2019.

  1. Accord (A)
  2. Action Alliance(AA)
  3. African Action Congress(AAC)
  4. Advanced Allied Party (AAP)
  5. All Blending Party (ABP)
  6. Advanced Congress of Democrats (ACD)
  7. Allied Congress Party of Nigeria (ACPN)
  8. Alliance For Democracy (AD)
  9. African democratic Congress (ADC)
  10. Action Democratic Party (ADP)
  11. All Grassroots Alliance (AGA)
  12. All Grand Alliance Party (AGAP)
  13. Advanced Nigeria Democratic Party (ANDP)
  14. Alliance for New Nigeria (ANN)
  15. Alliance National Party (ANP)
  16. Abundant Nigeria Renewal Party (ANRP)
  17. African Peoples Alliance (APA)
  18. All Progressives Congress (APC)
  19. Advanced People Democratic Alliance (APDA)
  20. All Progressive Grand Alliance (APGA)
  21. Allied Peoples Movement (APM)
  22. Alternative Party of Nigeria (APN)
  23. Action Peoples Party (APP)
  24. Alliance of Social Democrats (ASD)
  25. Alliance for united Nigeria (AUN)
  26. Better Nigeria Progressive Party (BNPP)
  27. Coalition for Change (C4C)
  28. Change Advocacy Party (CAP)
  29. Change Nigeria Party (CNP)
  30. Congress of Patriots (COP)
  31. Democratic Alternative (DA)
  32. Democratic People Congress (DPC)
  33. Democratic People Party (DPP)
  34. Freedom and Justice Party (FJP)
  35. Fresh Democratic Party (FRESH)
  36. Grassroots Development Party of * Nigeria (GDPN)
  37. Green Party of Nigeria (GPN)
  38. Hope Democratic Party (HDP)
  39. Independent Democrats (ID)
  40. Justice Must Prevail Party (JMPP)
  41. Kowa Party (KP)
  42. Liberation Movement (LM)
  43. Labour Party (LP)
  44. Legacy Party of Nigeria (LPN)
  45. Mass Action Joint Alliance (MAJA)
  46. Modern Democratic Party (MDP)
  47. Masses movement of Nigeria MMN
  48. Mega Party of Nigeria MPN
  49. Movement for The Restoration and * Defense of Democracy (MRDD)
  50. National Action Council (NAC)
  51. Nigeria Community Movement Party (NCMP)
  52. National conscience party (NCP)
  53. NigerIa Democratic Congress Party (NDCP)
  54. Nigeria Democratic Liberty Party (NDLP)
  55. Nigeria Elements Progressive Party (NEPP)
  56. Nigeria for Democracy (NFD)
  57. New Generation Party of Nigeria (NGP)
  58. National Interest Party (NIP)
  59. New Nigeria Peoples Party (NNPP)
  60. Nigeria Peoples Congress (NPC)
  61. New Progressive Movement (NPM)
  62. National Rescue Movement (NRM)
  63. National Unity Party (NUP)
  64. Peoples Coalition Party (PCP)
  65. People for Democratic Change (PDC)
  66. People for Democratic Movement (PDM)
  67. Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)
  68. Progressive People Alliance (PPA)
  69. Providence People Congress (PPC)
  70. People Party of Nigeria (PPN)
  71. People Progressive Party (PPP)
  72. People Redemption Party (PRP)
  73. Peoples Trust (PT)
  74. Reform and Advancement Party (RAP)
  75. Re-build Nigeria party (RBNP)
  76. Restoration Party of Nigeria (RP)
  77. Save Nigeria Congress (SNC)
  78. Social Democratic Party (SDP)
  79. Sustainable National Party (SNP)
  80. Socialist Party of Nigeria (SPN)
  81. United People Congress (UPC)
  82. United Democratic Party (UDP)
  83. United Patriots (UP)
  84. Unity Party of Nigeria (UPN)
  85. United Progressive Party (UPP)
  86. We The People Nigeria (WTPN)
  87. Young Democratic Party (YDP)
  88. Yes Electorates Solidarity (YES)
  89. Youth Party (YP)
  90. Young Progressive Party (YPP)
  91. Zenith Labour Party (ZLP).

Full List of 91 Registered Political Parties in Nigeria in 2019.

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